Following an untimely and embarrassing death, Kazuma Satou, a Japanese teenage shut-in NEET, meets a goddess named Aqua, who offers to reincarnate him in a parallel world with MMORPG elements, where he can go on adventures and battle monsters. Despite being offered a superpowered item or ability to use in this new world, Kazuma, following some provocation, chooses Aqua herself to accompany him to the town of Axel, quickly finding her absent-mindedness to be less than beneficial.LN 1.P With Aqua unable to return to the afterlife until the Devil King is defeated, the two form a party and recruit two other members; an explosion-obsessed magician named Megumin and a masochistic crusader named Darkness.LN 1.2.4 Due to the party's dysfunctional abilities, Kazuma quickly gives up on the idea of defeating the Devil King and tries to live a comfortable lifestyle, only to find the circumstances of his daily life are forcing him and his party to encounter and battle the Devil King's generals.
Funniest anime I've ever watched 🤣🤣
Kazuma is the funniest anime character of all time. I love this anime
I kinda felt bad for Aqua at first but then she shows me how useless she is 😂
If I was reborn into a new world, they better hide the kids 🙏😂
@Jac Dickson Huh? What do you mean by that? 👮♂️